The Rhythm Diversity Festival of Mediterranean music and dance which started yesterday with a workshop by the Italian group Milledanze continues today with a workshop led by the highly acclaimed El-Funoun Palestinian Popular Dance Troupe.

The workshop, between 5.30 and 8 p.m. will be held at the Old University Theatre, St. Christopher Street, Valletta, and is open to the public.

In Malta, El-Funoun are represented by musicians and dancers Khaled Qatamesh, Noora Baker, Najeh Masalma, Maher Shawamra, and Husai Aamar.

The Rhythm Diversity project is supported by the Euromed Youth programme of the EU.

Tomorrow and on Sunday at 8 p.m., Milledanze, El-Funoun and other performers from Marseille and Cairo will be giving a concert of Mediterranean music and dance at MITP.

Tickets at Lm3 are available from St James Cavalier (2122 3200) or Inizjamed (2131 5562 or

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