MEP Alex Agius Saliba has been cited as a key player in the European Union’s efforts to reform its digital services regulations by EU-focused news site Politico.

Agius Saliba serves as a rapporteur for the Digital Services Act, which is
expected to establish rules for how online giants such as Facebook and Google must handle illegal content on their platforms.

He was one of three MEPs cited by Politico as being among the protagonists of the upcoming EU legislative file, together with German MEP Tiemo Wölken and Belgian MEP Kris Peeters, who also serve as rapporteurs for the Act in other committees.

The controversial piece of legislation could also restrict digital giants’ dual roles as platforms and competitors to the companies they host. Online giants such as Amazon have been accused of enjoying an unfair advantage over smaller sellers due to their privileged position, and EU Commission vice-president Margrethe Vestager has said Brussels is considering curbs on large platforms acting as gatekeepers to digital markets.

As rapporteur for the European Parliament’s Internal Market and Consumer Protection committee, Agius Saliba must put together a report about the Act which includes views of committee members and specialists in the field and advises a political line to be followed.

Consultation on the dossier closes on Tuesday and European Parliament committees will vote on reports concerning it at the end of the month, ahead of a plenary vote scheduled for October.

Last month, Brussels-based The Parliament Magazine also cited Agius Saliba’s work on the Digital Services Act as worth keeping tabs on.

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