Roberta Metsola has met with representatives from families in Gaza who have lost their loved ones and emphasised the critical importance for Israel to uphold strict adherence to international law and humanitarian principles throughout military operations.

During a meeting in Brussels, the European Parliament president advocated for unimpeded access to humanitarian aid for the victims in Gaza, stressing the urgent need to restore vital services such as food and electricity.

In a statement, the Palestinian Authority thanked Metsola for trying to pave a way forward for lasting stability and peace in the Middle East during a meeting in Brussels.

The Palestinian Authority, which is politically opposed to Hamas, said it expressed its appreciation to Metsola for “reviving a credible political horizon to pave the way for the implementation of a two-state solution”.

Metsola has faced criticism in Malta for her support and visit of Israel just days after a surprise Hamas attack killed 1,400 people. She was also criticised for initially having failed to acknowledge Palestinian suffering caused by Israel’s massive retaliation to the attacks.

But that narrative appears to be shifting in recent weeks. 

Over the last days, Metsola held meetings with regional representatives, including the King of Jordan, the Israeli foreign minister, the Palestinian Authority, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees - as well as with families of hostages being held by Hamas.

Metsola meeting with the families of people kidnapped by Hamas.Metsola meeting with the families of people kidnapped by Hamas.

Metsola called for a pause in hostilities to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza. She reiterated her call for the release of hostages and underlined the need for urgent de-escalation and respect for international law and a real perspective for peace in the region.

On Wednesday, the European Parliament will hold a debate on the humanitarian situation in Gaza, the need for the release of hostages and call for an immediate humanitarian truce leading to a ceasefire and the prospect of peace in the Middle East.

Ambassador Adel Atieh, from the Mission of the State of Palestine to the European Union, also thanked Metsola for engaging with the relatives of families killed in the Gaza strip.

“This is the second time she received me personally in 20 days. This is very much appreciated, and she also hosted the families from Gaza today. She listened to them. She expressed her condolences to the families and she especially emphasised the need to humanitarian aid to access to Gaza.

”Reaffirming her unwavering stance, President Metsola emphasised the importance for Hamas to be stopped in order for Gaza to be governed by the legitimate representatives of the Palestinian people."

Metsola reiterated that Hamas must not be allowed to operate with impunity and that they do not represent the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people.

Metsola said she will continue to call for a fair and just solution based on the co-existence of two states: one where Israel is able to thrive in safety and security and where a real perspective can be given to the Palestinian people.

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