I am glad that on our euro coins there will be the image of our beloved Christ. The question is not of living in the dark ages as Charles Galea from Australia asserts. It is true that Christ preached against earthly goods but surely he did not mean that one should not earn his living by working honestly. It was Christ himself who used to help St Joseph in his work as a carpenter.

However, the same Christ says that one should render to Caesar that which belongs to Caesar and to give to God what belongs to God. So I am proud to have the image of our saviour on the coinage, because He who is much more important than money will always remind people of his presence. No one can take him away from the hearts of the faithful.

The European Union and other countries can continue paving their way towards secularisation with the pretext of not offending other non-Christians but I will surely not be scared of declaring my faith in Christ. The heart of the matter lies in this question: Rather than on the coins, can Jesus be found in our hearts?

To conclude, Jesus the real Christ said: "I will be with you always, to the very end of the age".

As a matter of fact, on the United States dollars, one may find the phrase "In God We Trust". Please note that America was one of the first countries to abolish religion from its Constitution. However this phrase is still found written on the US bank notes.

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