In science fiction, teleportation is commonly portrayed as a means to send physical objects from one location to another. However, only quantum information is transferred in quantum teleportation.

The benefit of quantum teleportation is that the sender does not need to know what is being transferred, and moreover, the location of the recipient can be unknown.

However, to complete a quantum teleportation protocol, classical information needs to be transmitted from the sender to the receiver.

Since classical information needs to be sent, quantum teleportation cannot occur faster than the speed of light

Since classical information needs to be sent, quantum teleportation cannot occur faster than the speed of light.

Furthermore, the sender and receiver do not require a physical link between the two of them to transfer quantum information, and this is only possible through the power of entanglement! Quantum teleportation would be the basis for a quantum internet, enabling new functionalities such as quantum cryptography and quantum cloud computing. However, we will not be physically teleporting across the universe anytime soon.

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