When is the best time to book a flight to Milan to watch Inter-Juve? When should you fly in or out to get the cheapest tickets?

Many people think that airlines will raise the price of a route if you search repeatedly for those fares. Airlines are able to track your searches on their site using a technology called "cookies". Many “experts” suggest to use your browser's incognito mode to limit the tracking of your actions on the airline's website. 

However, numerous studies by booking companies have shown that there is no significant variance in pricing when you use incognito mode. While there is airfare volatility (the air fare is changing constantly due to the airline’s “dynamic pricing”), this is not related to your searches.

Some people think that the day and time of the flight booking has some effect on the price of the plane ticket. There is no correlation of airfare tickets with the day of the week they were bought on.  What has an effect on the price is when you fly in or out (and not when you book the flights). Sunday is usually more expensive, and cheapest is mid-week. Unsurprisingly, the time of year that you fly also matters.

So, how long before should you book your plane tickets to get them cheapest?

Some people think that booking two months in advance will help. The answer is that there is no real set time frame. The best time to book depends on a variety of factors including seasonality, destination and your own booking needs (e.g. type of ticket).

Google Flights has a ‘track prices’ feature which drops you an e-mail when the airfare ticket of a particular route drops its price significantly.

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