Malta recently hosted the 20th European Regulators Group conference on network information security. This is a very important bi-annual event for security professionals from EU member states and other European countries as it enables all participants to exchange knowledge and experiences on best practices in the field of information security, focusing on enhancing network security techniques across Europe.

Malta Communications Authority executive chairman Philip Micallef welcomed delegates via a live webcast and underlined the importance of a pan-European approach to the security of data.

Mr Micallef stressed that the application of information and communication technology is ubiquitous with the internet becoming a social equaliser, anchoring the ICT industry as a valuable pillar of the economy. However, this reality means that we must ensure that our networks and the information that is communicated over them are effectively secured.

Referring to the Maltese National ICT Strategy, Mr Micallef highlighted the need to proactively address major challenges in the ICT world, including the digital divide, the successful application of technologies in the enhancement of quality of life, as well as the constantly moving objective of becoming a leading ICT hub in the region.

He emphasised that, while this online route will transform public policy and businesses, users are constantly being exposed to greater risk of cyber attacks, such as computer services disruption, data corruption, or misuse of confidential information stored in the computer.

"As threats become more sophisticated and directed towards critical networks, security counter measures appear to be lagging behind," said Mr Micallef. "The solutions that work are those that are based on synergy, cooperation and sharing of security information," he added.

Representatives from all the EU member states presented an update on the current state of affairs in network and information security in their respective countries.

The first presentation was delivered by the Swedish National Regulation Information Security director, who gave an overview of the recent crisis management exercise conducted in Stockholm. The exercise simulated a coordinated cyber attack on information technology, communications and transportation systems, in addition to a crash of Sweden's communications nervous system. The exercise was coordinated by the Swedish government and the prime objective was to test cyber security preparedness and response capabilities. The conference was also addressed by a representative from the Danish National Information Security department who focused on the importance of public private partnerships in the building of resilient networks in the ICT networks. A number of local internet service providers (ISPs) were also present for this session.

Representatives from the European Network and Information Security Agency also attended the conference. ENISA presented its 2010 work programme and initiatives which are aimed at enhancing the economic and social development of the European Union, the EU member states and the business and private communities in general, by addressing and responding to network and information security problems.

The Malta Information Technology Agency presented the work carried out by its computer emergency response team, a team of security professionals whose role is to monitor government networks for security threats. Donald Tabone, an expert in the field of computer forensics, delivered a presentation on the importance of a sound security strategy, backed up by the right policies and technology.

Steve Agius, from the information security unit within the MCA, presented the authority's vision on information security and outlined the importance of cooperation and knowledge-sharing in the continual fight against cyber crime and threats.

"Protecting our countries in this networked world is going to be a continuous and very difficult struggle, which requires collaboration among all parties, including national governments, operators and other key players," concluded Mr Micallef in his closing speech.

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