The postulators for the beatification of Dun Mikiel Attard, who passed away on July 30, 2004, after a life dedicated to priests and lay people in Gozo, as well as the poor in the missions, have published a book Dun Mikiel Attard – kif baqa’ fil-qalb ta’ dawk li ltaqgħu miegħu.

The book contains a series of experiences, anecdotes and reflections on Dun Mikiel’s virtues, making him a model Christian living in our present times.

Among the various contributors to the book are Cardinal Mario Grech and Bishop Anton Teuma.

To date, more than 65 witnesses have come forward to declare under oath their spiritual and other experiences with Dun Mikiel who throughout his life emphasised God’s divine mercy to those who err and renewed hundreds in their spiritual life.

Dun Mikiel, born in Nadur on October 1, 1933 and ordained on April 12, 1959, used to say and write: Mingħajr Ġesu ma nistgħu nagħmlu xejn għax kollox biH, kollox fiH u kollox għaliH.

The MUSEUM members of Nadur were instrumental in compiling the book which contains more than 300 pages illustrated with authentic pictures pertaining to the life of Dun Mikiel, from his early childhood to his last days in bed.  

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