The number of new COVID-19 cases soared to 122 on Sunday, but the number of virus patients in hospital remains steady at 12, including two in intensive care.

41 patients were declared recovered but the number of active cases is now 847.

The medical authorities have repeatedly said in recent weeks that the imposition or lifting of COVID-19 measures now depends on the number of hospitalisations, not the number of new cases.

They have called on people to take the booster vaccine when invited to do so. 93,247 booster doses have been administered so far.

The last time Malta had over 100 new COVID-19 cases was on August 13, with 101 cases. The last time were more than 122 new cases was on July 27, when there were 142.

Last week, Charmaine Gauci, the superintendent for public health, said there has been a significant reduction in those with COVID-19 requiring treatment in hospital, showing the “clear” impact of vaccination.

She pointed to figures from November 15 last year, a month before vaccines were rolled out in the country, that showed 185 people were in hospital – 8.5 per cent of the 2,172 active cases.

That compared with 13 in hospital on the same date this year, or 2.2% of the 603 active cases.

She explained that for as long as the SARS-COV-2 virus continues to circulate, infections will continue to occur in people, with some in those who have completed the vaccination schedule.”  

“However, infections in vaccinated people do not mean the vaccines are not working, since no vaccine is 100 per cent effective, although the effectiveness of all EU-authorised COVID-19 vaccines is very high.”


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