For the past four years, stonework (including intricate works) has been ongoing at the site where two sacristies are to be built on either side at the back of Għajnsielem parish church. The stonework is being readied beforehand so that when the actual building starts, the building process will take less time.

The building of the church stopped in 1935 and then resumed between 1955 and 1979, while the church underwent the cleaning of the interior stone (unvjar) between 1979 and 1989. However, the sacristies were never completed.

Innocent Centorrino is helping with the plans of the new sacristies to be in conformity with the original plans of the church by architect Ugo Mallia.

The completion of the works on the church were carried by architect Joseph Ellul Vincenti, while the forthcoming works will be under the direction of architect Salvu Micallef.

The stonework is being prepared by Leli Saliba, who is the same stone mason who completed the church’s cupola and bell tower between 1970 and 1979. At the time, Saliba was 24 years old.

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