A new anti-SLAPP coalition of NGOS, is behind an initiative mapping out legal services across Europe and providing resources, such as emergency funding, to journalists and others hit with lawsuits attempting to gag them.

The initiatiave includes a website, launched last week by European Commission vice-president Věra Jourová. It is a response to a reported increase of such lawsuits across European member states, and a growing environment of hostility towards journalists in the bloc.

“Honoured to launch the new anti-SLAPP website developed by the coalition of NGOs. Journalists should not risk their reputation or economic survival due to ingenuous lawsuits,” Jourová tweeted last Friday.

So-called SLAPP lawsuit (Strategic Action Against Public Participation) are used to intimidate public watchdogs by crippling them financially. Investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia faced 47 such lawsuits at the time of her assassination.

The initiative, which will also advocate for anti-SLAPP measures, expose repeat offenders and raise awareness for SLAPP victims, is driven by CASE, a coalition of 29 NGOS, which includes the Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation.

“On behalf of journalists, activists, whistleblowers, rights defenders and other watchdogs targeted by these tactics, we work to expose legal harassment and intimidation, protect the rights of those who speak out, and advocate for comprehensive protective measures and reform,” the coalition wrote.

Speaking out on the importance of solidarity to advocate for legal reform, Andrew Caruana Galizia, said it was painful to think that had his mother been alive she would have spent her life fighting lawsuits. 

“There is very little to stop the rich and powerful from weaponising the legal system against their critics,” he said. 

“It’s why civil society groups are joining forces across Europe are joining forces to expose SLAPPs, to build the resilience of those targeted and to advocate for legal reform,” he added.“Our solidarity can defeat these aggressive legal attacks.”

This website is among other initiatives promised by Jourová to address threats to journalism as well as other pillars of democracy outlined in the European Democracy Action Plan released last year.

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