Any chance of settlement in a libel case instituted by Rosianne Cutajar against Mark Camilleri were quashed by continuous tweets uploaded by the former chairman of the Malta Book Council who continued to insult the Labour MP, a court was told on Wednesday.

The libel stemmed from a Facebook post where Camilleri alleged that Cutajar had received money from Yorgen Fenech to stand up for him against accusations he was facing as alleged accomplice in the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia.

In his book 'A Rent Seeker’s Paradise,' Camilleri wrote about an alleged close personal relationship between Cutajar and Fenech after he was outed as the owner of secret company 17 Black.

The first hearing of the libel case was held on Wednesday but Camilleri did not turn up. 

Magistrate Rachel Montebello observed that Camilleri had been served notice of summons since the previous sitting in December. On that occasion, the court had been told that Camilleri had moved abroad. But since then, the notice of summons was successfully served at another address and Camilleri’s lawyers, Joseph Mizzi and Timothy Spiteri filed a reply to Cutajar’s defamation claims.

Camilleri insisted in his reply that what he had written was non-defamatory and based on facts. Furthermore they represented his honest opinion and caused no damage to the MP.

Asked whether there was any hope of an amicable settlement, lawyer Edward Gatt, representing Cutajar, said Camilleri's constant “tweets” insulting and challenging the politician effectively rendered impossible any chance of such settlement.

“He also has a right to speak,” rebutted Camilleri’s lawyers.

In light of such information, the court said that the case would proceed to evidence stage, starting with the MP’s testimony at the next sitting. 

The case continues in March.

Lawyer Mark Vassallo is also assisting Cutajar.

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