On march 19, feast of St Joseph, Sr Sandra Cauchi of the Daughters of the Sacred Heart took her perpetual vows of charity, poverty and obedience. This final profession took place at St Sebastian's parish church, Qormi, and the main celebrant at the Mass was Archbishop Paul Cremona, who concelebrated with a good number of diocesan and religious priests.

The congregation included Sisters of the Daughters of the Sacred Heart, and Sr Sandra's family, relatives, friends, and parishioners. Having taken her perpetual vows, Sr Sandra has now become a full member of the congregation, which was founded by the Servant of God, Mother Maria Theresa Nuzzo.

For any information about the Daughters of the Sacred Heart, contact Sr Petronilla Camilleri at the Sacred Heart Convent, Balbi Street, Marsa HMR14, tel. 2123-7432 or 7994-5494, e-mail: petcam1945@yahoo. com

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