A series of four online presentations and interactive discussions exploring different perspectives of the theme of mercy will be held on the four Fridays of November from 7 to 8.30pm, organised by the Centre of Ignatian Spirituality and Pietre Vive.

This fourth edition of reflections on faith and art will have as its central scene Caravaggio’s painting Le Sette Opere della Misericordia, which is found in Naples. The elements of mercy and judgement, which seem to be two contrasting elements in faith, are beautifully brought together in this painting depicting the scene of the Last Judgement as portrayed in Matthew’s gospel.

The first presentation will be delivered on November 4 by Giulia Privitelli from Pietre Vive. Ms Privitelli, an art historian who studied the Theology of Art, will introduce and explore the painting itself, interpreting the symbols it shows. She will use the work of art as a text for spiritual reflection.

On November 11, Prof. Nadia Delicata, Episcopal Delegate for Evangelisation, and a moral theologian, will explore the seven works of mercy in the Christian moral tradition.

On November 18, Prof. Anthony Frendo, Professor Emeritus of Near Eastern Archaeology and the Hebrew Bible, will offer a critical interpretation of Matthew 25: 31-46 and give an overview of the development of the concept of mercy in scripture.

On November 25, Mark Cachia, from the Diocesan Commission of Justice and Peace, will discuss the relationship between mercy and justice in today’s context, with reference to the local Church’s recent document, Yahad.

The series of reflections is being coordinated by Sandro Rossi and Ms Privitelli and is open to the public. Participation is free and no booking is necessary. The sessions are stand-alone, with a continuous reflective thread about mercy weaving through them all. Those who can attend even one session are welcome. Those attending all the sessions will have a more comprehensive experience.

The link to join the talks is https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89329229799?pwd=MnNEWjh4K3IwbFhsT3J3TEpPRnJxUT09

(Meeting ID: 893 2922 9799; Passcode: 462560)

More information and the link for each session can be also be accessed through the Centre for Ignatian Spirituality Facebook page or by sending an e-mail to director@cismalta.org.

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