People can now register for a COVID-19 swab test through an online booking system. 

Superintendent of Public health Charmaine Gauci announced the new system during her weekly briefing. 

As well as calling 111 to book a test, people can choose to register through

Once registered, a verification code is sent to that email address, which the user enters into the COVID-19 Test registration system. 

It includes a questionnaire for details such as name, ID number and address. 

"This system will also help us to have the correct contact details and email address for us to send the test results," Gauci said.

Once the questionnaire is complete, the COVID-19 call centre will contact the individual to book and confirm a test. 

"There will be dedicated individuals who will be taking care of these online requests," she said.

Gauci also said that 18 per cent of the population have now downloaded the COVID-19 app, which alerts people if they have been in the vicinity of a case. 

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