The unity of the free world in standing up to the Vladimir Putin regime’s invasion of Ukraine and the overwhelming solidarity of Malta with the Ukrainian people is inspirational. As we have for over 200 years, once again the United States and Malta stand resolutely united as partners in confronting this global challenge and leading humanitarian efforts to help the Ukrainian people.

This is a dangerous moment for Europe and for freedom-loving people around the world. By launching his brutal assault on the people of Ukraine, Putin has also committed an assault on the principles that uphold global peace and democracy. When the history of this era is written, it will show that Putin’s choice to launch an unprovoked, unjust and premeditated attack unified democracies around the world in support of peace and security and left Russia isolated and weaker.

This will not end well for Putin. Together, the United States and our allies and partners are taking action to hold the Kremlin accountable. After Putin began his invasion, the ruble hit its weakest point in history and the Russian stock market plunged. As a result of unprecedented global coordination, the United States, the United Kingdom, the European Union, Japan, Australia, and Canada have announced sweeping financial sanctions and stringent export controls that will restrict Putin’s regime from accessing critical foreign markets, key financial systems and cutting-edge technology. 

Malta is playing a critical role in this global effort through its leadership and advocacy in the European Union and through its unequivocal condemnation of the Russian invasion. 

In addition to economic penalties, President Joe Biden authorised an additional $350 million of security assistance to immediately help Ukraine defend itself, bringing America’s total security assistance to Ukraine over the past year to more than $1 billion. The United States has coordinated with Allied governments to position thousands of additional forces in Eastern Europe. We are working with energy companies to surge their capacity to supply energy to the market, particularly as prices increase. We join our partners in Malta and beyond in generating and supplying humanitarian assistance to the Ukrainian people.

Vladimir Putin will fail to erase the proud nation of Ukraine

This was an attack that Putin has planned for a long time. He methodically moved more than 150,000 troops and military equipment to Ukraine’s border. He moved blood supplies into position and built field hospitals, demonstrating his intentions all along.  He rejected every good-faith effort by the United States and our allies and partners to address his fabricated security concerns and to avoid needless conflict and human suffering by engaging in diplomacy and dialogue.

Putin executed his playbook exactly as we had warned he would. We saw Russia’s proxies increase their shelling in the Donbas. We saw the Russian government launch cyber-operations against Ukraine. We saw staged political theatre in Moscow and heard outlandish and baseless claims made about Ukraine in an attempt to justify Russia’s aggression. We saw Russia use these tactics before they invaded Ukraine in 2014 and Georgia in 2008.

And, then, at almost the very same moment the United Nations Security Council was meeting to stand up for Ukraine’s sovereignty and forestall disaster, Putin launched his invasion in violation of international law. 

We have been transparent with the world. We declassified our intelligence about Russia’s plans so there could be no confusion and no cover up. Putin is the aggressor. Putin chose this war. And now his supporters will bear the consequences of his egregious decision to choose war and destruction over peace and diplomacy.

Putin’s goal of dividing the West has failed. In the face of one of the most significant challenges to European security and democratic ideals since World War II, the United States and our allies and partners have joined together in solidarity. We have united, coordinating intensively to support Ukraine’s sovereignty and reaffirm our commitment to the transatlantic partnership.

Putin has failed to divide us. Putin has failed to undermine our shared belief in the fundamental right of sovereign nations to choose their destiny and their allies. And Putin will fail to erase the proud nation of Ukraine.

The next few days, weeks and months will be incredibly difficult for the people of Ukraine. Putin has unleashed great suffering on them. But the Ukrainian people have known 30 years of independence and they have repeatedly shown they will not tolerate anyone who tries to take their country backwards. 

The world is watching this conflict closely and if Russian forces commit atrocities we will explore all international mechanisms that could be used to bring those responsible – whether members of the military or their civilian leadership – to account.

Liberty, democracy and human dignity are forces far more powerful than fear and oppression. In the contest between democracy and autocracy, between sovereignty and subjugation, make no mistake: freedom will prevail.

Gwendolyn Green is Chargé d’Affaires at the US Embassy

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