A fuel station located outside the development zone along the Central Link project route in Attard is seeking to convert part of the facility into a cafeteria.

This is the second such proposal in recent months, following a similar application filed in July for the conversion of an ODZ petrol station in Burmarrad into a fully-fledged restaurant.

The plans vindicate the criticism made by NGOs a few years ago when fuel stations were mushrooming across the island. Back then, they had raised concerns that the lax fuel stations policy in force was being used to circumvent planning laws restrictions that limit projects on virgin land.

NGOs had warned that some fuel stations could be morphing into retail outlets or catering establishments through a change of use application after a few years. This controversial policy was only ditched a few months ago.

In the case of Attard, the application was filed by the owner of Pit Stop service station, now in operation for around a decade. According to the plans, an area designated as a valeting station will be converted into a cafeteria with a footprint of 50 square metres.

The proposal comprises the construction of an additional floor, for which a development permit had already been issued in 2017. Back then, the case officer had recommended not to approve the application as it was felt there was no need for further offices. Yet, despite this recommendation, the permit was issued.

The extra floor will include a storage and distribution centre and offices.

The area in the middle has not been given any particular designation on the plans but it seems it will be a first-floor extension to the cafeteria.

Meanwhile, it has transpired that, in the case of the Burmarrad fuel station, no objection was filed by the St Paul’s Bay local council despite a decision to do so.

In August, the council had endorsed a motion by former mayor Graziella Galea to file an objection within the public consultation period, which would close at the end of the same month.

However, it turned out that the objection was deemed invalid as it was submitted after the expiration of the public consultation period.

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