The Planning Authority has approved turning a disused Mqabba field into a 43-apartment block despite huge opposition from NGOs, the Mqabba local council and residents.

The authority's Planning Commission on Monday gave the green light for excavation works, the building of an underground car park, and the construction of 43 apartments across five storeys (PA/04317/23) on Triq George Martin.

The applicant is CF Developers Limited, which includes construction mogul Joseph Portelli among its shareholders.

In its objection, the Mqabba council said the block would negatively impact those living in the area and lead to more traffic on the surrounding roads. The development would also result in the loss of green space and negatively impact the aesthetic of the surrounding community. 

"Additionally, the proposed development would significantly alter the character of the surrounding area," the council said in their objection. 

Nature Trust objected because the area lies above a groundwater safe zone and the project runs counter to PA policy on controlling the design and location of the development. 

BirdLife Malta said that the site used to be agricultural land and should not be excavated. 

It also argued that since the site is on the periphery of the development zone, light pollution due to the development will spill onto the Out of Development Area. 

Some objectors argued that the construction of the apartment block would continue eroding the village's charm, while others said the development would exacerbate parking issues in the area.

Still, the case officer recommended that the project be approved, arguing that the permit conformed to policy, including height and zoning limitations. 

The Planning Commission agreed and approved the development unanimously.

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