Classic casinos spin with old world charm. The air is thick with laughter and conversation, the cast is all dressed up in a wardrobe of smoking jackets and glitzy evening dresses, and the script is open-ended to cater for surprises. And all is set against the backdrop of whirring slot machines, ice tinkling in frilly drinks, and the sudden sharp intakes of breath, waiting for a roulette wheel to stop spinning.

But that is all very cinematic. In real life, players can get the same level of fun and entertainment, but wearing jogging pants, with crisps and soft drink in hand, sitting down on a comfortable couch at home. 

Online casinos have revolutionised entertainment. But with thousands of casinos, gambling and poker websites, players first have to wade through the endless choice and gauge which websites treat their customers like bags of money, and which value safe gambling, before they can spin and try their luck. 

Smart Casino Guide was created with the aim of providing objective information about casinos and the games offered. The guide lists which casinos are better than others in terms of particular criteria, while pointing out which casinos are trustworthy, fun and safe, and those that should not be trusted. This helps players be aware of responsible and safe online gambling. also ranks casinos, to enable players to easily navigate between all the online casinos and identify differences between then. This ranking is based on various criteria – with the main one being credibility. 

Smart Casino Guide’s credibility assessment takes into account a company’s business life cycle – for instance, a company with a decade or more of successful history gets top ranking – as well as licences owned. Here, casinos with European licences – especially Maltese or UK ones – are the most reliable. 

Other criteria used by Smart Casino Guide to rank casinos include public feedback about a company, user experience, the variety of games, premiums and bonuses offered, accessibility and level of customer care.’s ranking changes constantly. This means that players are continuously updated about which new games are on offer, which are not working, and most importantly, which entertainment is the safest and most reputable. 

Disclaimer: Access to online money game sites is forbidden under some national laws. It is the responsibility of each individual player to ensure they are acting within the law when accessing the Smart Casino Guide site. Gambling carries financial risk and a risk of dependency. Play responsibly. Find out more at or

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