Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi yesterday inaugurated two reconstructed roads in Gozo co-financed by the European Union and which, in his words, are now of European standard.

Dr Gonzi said the two projects were just a link in the chain that will make of Gozo a centre of excellence in the Mediterranean, as targeted by the government.

Together, the newly-built five kilometres of road cost €11.9 million (Lm5 million).

Mġarr Road in Għajnsielem is used by visitors and Gozitans as soon as they step off the ferry at the new Mġarr terminal, which was opened on Thursday. About 2.5 kilometres long, it was completely reconstructed.

A 700-metre tunnel was excavated to take all the services and ensure that the road will not have to be dug up again when repairs or maintenance are needed.

San Lawrenz Road links Gozo's capital, Victoria, with San Lawrenz and several other villages such as Għasri and Għarb. It is the road that also leads to the renowned Azure Window in Dwejra, a popular tourist attraction.

A roundabout in San Lawrenz Road has been embellished with a sculpture by Gozitan artist John Grima portraying a child and a woman wearing an Għonnella, contrasting the old with the new.

Dr Gonzi said a number of problems had been encountered as the excavation and construction of the roads were under way and this resulted in overruns.

More than 40 roads have been upgraded in Gozo during this legislature, a total of 14 kilometres, he said.

Replying to questions about overruns, he said the clay underneath the San Lawrenz Road was the main reason.

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