A few hundred people gathered in front of Parliament on Wednesday evening shouting "korrotti" (corrupt) at government MPs during a protest in the wake of the latest revelations in the hospitals concessions scandal.
Organised by the Nationalist Party, the protest was addressed by Opposition leader Bernard Grech who urged those present not to give up as the full truth would eventually emerge.
He described the past few days as "surreal" and praised those who worked hard for the truth, primarily among them journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia who paid the ultimate price for her work.
"Here we're not blue or red but Maltese of goodwill who cannot take this corrupt government," he told the cheering crowd.
"Those who think they're invincible are now blaming each other. That's what thieves do when they're caught," he said.
He thanked journalists who continued to uncover this fraudulent deal as well as his predecessors Adrian Delia and Simon Busuttil who also worked to reveal the truth.
"I don't care about who gets the credit for the results but for the results themselves," he said.
"Our work is not done. Join us to create a new, clean, fair country where you can have a better future," he concluded.
Grech had earlier spoken about the latest revelations in parliament, saying the truth shamed all of Labour's MPs.