The police are looking into intimidatory graffiti sprayed around Majjistral Park singling out park rangers appointed to keep the place in check.

Two weeks ago, graffiti naming rangers, with the words "Labour no vote" beneath, appeared in at least four different locations in the park, according to Heritage Parks Federation (HPF) Conservation Officer, Darren Saliba.

While it was not clear what the graffiti was referring to, it was obviously intended to send a message to the rangers and the HPF would not tolerate this threat to its employees, he told Times of Malta.

“We condemn in the strongest possible terms these attempts at intimidation and vandalistic acts aimed at hindering the work done by the rangers," HPF, made up of NGOs Din l-Art Ħelwa, Nature Trust and Gaia Foundation, wrote in a statement issued on Tuesday.

While Saliba preferred not to disclose which rangers were being singled out to safeguard their privacy, he suspected the intimidation was linked to an increase in enforcement.

“Since we increased our patrolling efforts last year, we’re enforcing a lot of regulations which weren’t implemented before, and some might not be happy with this,” he said.

This included clamping down on off-roading, vehicular access to the park without permits, charcoal BBQs, lighting fires in the area, and dumping.

"These efforts are well-received by the public who appreciate the work done by so few rangers to keep the area clean and open to the public for the enjoyment of all," HPF said.

This is not the first time abusive behaviour towards park rangers has been flagged.

Majjistral Park Ranger Cami Appelgren has been particularly vocal about the abuse and harassment she received online and in person as a result of her work.

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