In his message for Christmas, President George Vella spoke about the difficult time the country is currently going through saying he was concerned and shocked.

But, in spite of this, he said, the people should keep in mind the values associated with Christmas and appreciate all that made this people Maltese - loyalty to the family, hard work and generosity.

He called on the people to reflect on the meaning of Christmas and how this could help for the return of unity.

President Vella thanked the public for their support during the first months of his Presidency, especially in the most difficult moments. He said he found a lot of strength and courage in the people’s support.

He also thanked the people for keeping close to their heart the values and aims he had prepared for this Presidency - solidarity in illness, the fight against poverty, inclusion and voluntary work

The President called for tolerance and respect with those of different ideas and with whom tension had increased in recent days.

He appealed to the people to look at what united them rather than at what divided them.

Dr Vella appealed to the people to take care of the sick, the elderly and the less fortunate and appealed for funds for the Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation which helped those who were suffering in silence.

He also called for everyone to do their utmost for the country to regain ground and for everyone to feel respected.

This could only be done if everyone shouldered their responsibilities and carried them out honestly and transparently, placing the country’s interests first and foremost.

Watch the President’s message in the video above. The message can also be read in the pdf link below.


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