A doctor who examined prison suicide victim Kim Borg Nicolas Virtu’ twice over a two-week interval, days before she attempted suicide, had noted an improvement in her anxiety symptoms because she was working on her addiction disorder, a court has been told. 

The doctor was testifying via videoconference in proceedings against former prison warders, Annabelle Cauchi, 52, and Alison Vassallo, 42.

The inmate attempted suicide on June 16, 2021, and passed away at Mater Dei Hospital on July 4.

Both former correctional officers stand accused of involuntary homicide and committing a crime they were duty-bound to prevent. They are pleading not guilty.

When proceedings against the pair continued, the doctor confirmed he had examined the victim on May 13 and June 3, confirming that on the second visit, he had “found her much better than before”.

Asked by defence lawyers to explain further, doctor David Cini said that Kim’s anxiety symptoms had improved.

He said the medical authorities were preparing a plan to reduce her methadone doses gradually and she had also applied to join a rehabilitation programme at RISE (a prisoners' welfare organisation).

Her anxiety was attributed mainly to an addiction disorder.

But she was less anxious when he saw her in July because she was working on her addiction.

Asked about common risk factors considered by medical professionals when conducting a psychiatric review, the doctor listed any past suicide attempts, severe mental illness and the frequency of visits to Mount Carmel Hospital.

Those factors were checked when he first assessed Kim but she had none of the three, said the witness, but she had an addiction disorder.

Asked by the defence whether there was any link between such a disorder and suicide, the doctor explained that a patient with an addiction disorder could possibly have mental problems.

“So there could be [a link] but the situation is not as clear as with the other risk factors,” said the doctor.

The case, presided by Magistrate Caroline Farrugia Frendo, continues in April.

Inspector Paul Camilleri prosecuted.

Lawyers Herman Mula and Mario Mifsud are defence counsel.

Lawyers Rachel Tua and Edmond Cuschieri represented the victim’s family.

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