Repubblika activists have filed a complaint with the Standards Commissioner over Transport Minister Aaron Farrugia's decision to not attend a parliament sitting on Tuesday despite being in the building. 

In a letter to the Commissioner, who has yet to be appointed, the activists said they had no option but to write the letter despite the post being vacant, because of the complaints timeframes stipulated in the law.

As president of the NGO, Robert Aquilina said he was filing the complaint over what the activists believe to be a serious shortcoming and breach of ethics by Farrugia. 

Farrugia did not turn up to the house, despite being in the parliament building, to answer MPs questions about two Transport Malta officers who beat up a man as he lay in the street. 

In a ruling on Wednesday, the Speaker criticsied Farrugia and said that he wanted to "send a clear message and emphasise" the importance of attending parliamentary sittings. 

Outlining the code of ethics, the activists said they believe Farrugia was in breach and said the NGO is concerned parliament is losing its mission of criticising the government. Instead, it has become a mere rubber stamp for the executive, Aquilina said in the letter. 


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