Life Network Foundation has started work on seven new residential flatlets to be used by new mothers who sought refuge at a community home set up by the organisation. 

The flatlets, which are expected to be completed by May, have been designed to support and empower mothers and their children who have benefited from living at Dar Tgħanniqa ta’ Omm with their newborn babies but are now ready to make the first step into independent living.

An architectural plan of the layout of a sample flatlet.An architectural plan of the layout of a sample flatlet.

Women accepted as residents will be able to live there for up to three years. 

Dar Tgħanniqa ta’ Omm is a community home in Mosta established by the Life Network Foundation. It is intended to provide shelter, supplies and support to women who go through unplanned pregnancies.  

"Our experience has shown that a gentle step towards completely independent living gives mothers and their children the best chance of a strong and independent future," the administrative officer at Dar Tgħanniqa ta’ Omm, Christie Zammit, said as the organisation announced the flatlets on Tuesday. 

Video: Life Network Foundation

"The aim of these flatlets is to support these women as they continue their education or settle into full-time employment." 

Refurbishing works on the flatlets are commencing this week. They should be available to take in the first residents by May. 

Video: Life Network Foundation

The Life Network Foundation was established in 2014 with the mission statement of "endorsing value to every human life from conception to natural death."

It is among the organisations spearheading efforts to block a proposed amendment to Malta's anti-abortion laws and is currently on a fundraising drive to raise €50,000 by January 22. 

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