Repubblika, Occupy Justice and are holding a protest march “We demand action against corruption” starting from in front of the Wembley Stores in Republic Street, Valletta on Tuesday at 7.30pm.

In a statement, the organisations lamented the fact that new facts involving corruption were being uncovered daily but “impunity still reigns supreme”.

“A class of politicians and their cronies are considered untouchable by certain sectors of our institutions,” they said, adding that this was “totally unacceptable”.

“We refuse to tolerate the fact that in our country, a certain class of people continues to be considered as above the law. We refuse to listen to any more empty chatter. We demand action,” they insisted.

The organisations said that the police force and the Attorney General’s office are still instruments of impunity for politicians and their cronies, just as they were when they were led by Lawrence Cutajar and Peter Grech.

“Angelo Gafà and Victoria Buttigieg have gone so far as to refuse to take any action against the Pilatus Bank clique, despite the fact that they were ordered to do so by the inquiring magistrate,” they said.

Once the protest march reaches Great Siege Square on Tuesday, Repubblika’s president “will reveal word for word” an order given by a magistrate to the police commissioner and the attorney general “an order that was blatantly ignored,” they said.

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