A public consultation meeting about an international project promoting efficient water management and the concept of ‘green growth’ by reusing water will be held in Malta in August.

The Aquares project, launched last year and co-financed by the EU is being led by the Spanish region Murcia, in collaboration with 10 organisations from nine EU countries including Malta.

Its aim is to improve water management and policy by integrating waste-water reuse into national, regional and local development plans.

The project draws on the experience of partner countries through the adoption of technological and managerial innovations in the field of water reuse.

In May a meeting was held in Malta to discuss public and private investments available for re-use of water, which included a visit to a wastewater treatment plant.

Malta is being represented by the National Energy and Water Agency. Its main role in the project is to coordinate the evaluation of European policies on water reuse through regional stakeholders’ meetings.

On August 30, a public consultation meeting is being held at Għajn, the National Water Conservation Awareness Centre in Rabat.

People can reserve a place by sending an email to energywateragency@gov.mt

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