A new identity for the Public Service was launched on Thursday during the opening of its first expo, showing its services.

The launch was made by the head of the public service, Tony Sultana who highlighted a vision that will see more investment in the technological infrastructure and digital skills.

The expo is being held at the MFCC, Ta' Qali, showcasing the best digital tools that the Public Service makes use of in every sector.

The systems range from tools to facilitate local permits, social security, personal healthcare and parking systems to a bomb disposal robot,  holograms of statues, a passport system identifier, 3D Costume Scanning,  eSports simulators and digital scanning of notarial archives.

Digital systems that assist the country on a national scale are also on display, including the Emergency Management Control Centre, Air Traffic demos, the dashboard of the Malta Stock Exchange, a medicine testing laboratory, and the digital system which operates the Tritoni fountain among others.

Sultana said the modernisation of the public service will not stop with technology, however, but will also see the introduction of new practices, more relevant procedures, and innovative tools.

The Expo will remain open until Friday, 12 May with the last places available only through registration on the public service site - publicservice.gov.mt

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