A 40-metre-long dhow boat will arrive in Malta on Tuesday afternoon at the end of a tour intended to showcase Qatari international heritage to the world. 

The Fath Al Khair will arrive at 5pm followings its fourth cruise, during which it visited 11 harbours across Europe and North Africa. It will remain moored in Malta for nine months before setting off on its next voyage in June. 

It will be open to the public free of charge on Tuesday after docking and all day Wednesday September 25 and Thursday September 26. Apart from learning about Qatari marine heritage, visitors will also be able to enjoy presentations about the FIFA 2022 World Cup, which will be held in Qatar, on huge screens on board.

The dhow will be greeted by the general manager of Katara Khalid bin Ibrahim Al Sulaiti the chargé d’affaires at the Embassy of Qatar in Malta, and Sliema mayor Anthony Chircop, among others.

Its cruise, which is organized by the Cultural Village Foundation – Katara also aims to promote the FIFA 2022 World Cup that will be held in Qatar together with all the preparations that are taking place for this important event.

“We believed very strongly in the Fath Al Khair project and worked hard to bring this to Malta on its final port call of its 2019 cruise itinerary. This reflects the close brotherly relationships between the peoples of Malta and Qatar and we look forward to build more on this” Mr. Khalid Abel said.

“We invite the Maltese public and tourists to visit this masterpiece of Qatar’s cultural heritage and enjoy all it has to offer” he added.

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