God’s logic

Commenting on the gospel of the multiplication of the loaves and fish last Sunday, Pope Francis explained how Jesus thinks in a different way from the disciples:

“Jesus wants to use this situation to educate his friends, both then and now, about God’s logic. And what is God’s logic? The logic of taking responsibility for others; of not washing one’s hands; of not looking the other way. The logic of taking responsibility for others. That ‘let them fend for themselves’ should not enter into the Christian vocabulary.”

Coronavirus, democracy, justice

Fr Arturo Sosa SJ, superior general of the Jesuits, said:

“Democracy can be one of the victims of the pandemic if we do not take care with our political condition. For example, many governments, including so-called democratic govern­­ments, are taking the path of authoritarianism…

“To discriminate against migrants is a great danger, and a sign of a world we do not want. We must be very aware of this as the Catholic Church and as people committed to justice and peace so that we can build a more welcoming, more democratic society. If we are not capable of looking at the world up close, sharing the point of view of the poor, which is the point of view of the crucified Jesus, then we will make mistakes in our decisions.”

The pandemic and God

The Vatican’s Pontifical Academy for Life said: “We want to enter human situations, reading them in the light of faith, in a way that speaks to the widest possible audience, to believers and non-believers, to all men and women ‘of good will’.

“In the pandemic, we meet God to the extent that revelation and our relationship with God helps us understand who human beings are and what their role is in the world. Christ is the truth about the human person.”

(Compiled by Fr Joe Borg)

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