Think real-time engagement with your customers, right at the very point of purchase. Imagine customers, both new and returning, having infinite possibilities to interact and engage with your brand at the right place, at the right time with just the tap of a smartphone. 

ServoTag is a Malta-based company providing end-to-end solutions for brands that want to bridge the gap between their products and consumers. With ServoTag, brands are given a digi­tal identity, one that’s recognised and read using a smartphone.

NFC tags enable ServoTag to deliver high-value marketing ser­vices to brands, pushing im­mediate connectivity and engagement with customers. Cost-effective and easily adaptable, ServoTag’s solutions suit a wide range of marketing scenarios.

An interactive, unique digital identity can be applied to anything

Once in close proximity, Near Field Communications (NFC) technology provides secure, simple and fast digital connectivity between a tagged object and a smartphone. With billions of smartphones able to connect and interact with NFC tagged items, the uses of this techno­logy are limitless.

ServoTag’s NFC-based solutions are expertly designed to bring your marketing material to life with an interactive, unique digital identity, which can be applied to anything from product packaging to posters, objects to shop displays.

With one tap of their smartphone, on the ‘shelf talker’ tag or a ‘smart poster’, customers receive instant information about your product or campaign. NFC provides brands with limitless marketing opportunities for positive customer interaction and engagement.

In collaboration with creative branding agency Blonde and Giant, ServoTag launched their first NFC marketing solution during Niumee’s Open Day, held March 6, 2021.

During the open day, Niumee ran free consultations and offered discounts on over 100 treatments and services. ServoTag’s NFC technology came into play where tags were embedded on posters, encouraging visitors to engage with the poster content with the aim of winning a prize or visiting Niumee’s online shop.

As Niumee’s Emma Moore explained: “ServoTag provided an innovative, ‘COVID-friendly’ way to engage with our customers using the latest technology. Along with Blonde and Giant we were able to create a fun and distinctive experience which was a unique, ‘stand out’ point of our event”.

Maria Vella Galea, marketing manager at ServoTag, commented: “We are very eager and excited about the potential and added value that our marketing solutions can bring to any brand in any industry. Engage, our marketing solution, bridges the gap between traditional and digital marketing channels, offering a seamless experience to your customers. Believe it or not, NFC technology is constantly around us. We are already using NFC for mobile payments. Through NFC, ServoTag offers a world of endless opportunities.”

More information about these innovative marketing solutions and how ServoTag can help companies build that all-important competitive advantage is available at

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