Synodality leads to communion

In a video message to members of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America, Pope Francis said synodality does not imply “a more or less democratic, much less a ‘populist’ way, of being a Church. Synodality is the dynamic dimension, the historical dimension of ecclesial communion founded on the Trinitarian communion, which, appreciating simultaneously the ‘sensus fidei’ of God’s faithful people, apostolic collegiality and unity with Peter’s successor, must animate the conversion and reform of the Church. Synodality should lead us to live ecclesial communion, in which the diversity of charisms, vocations and ministries are harmoniously integrated, animated by the same baptism, which makes us all sons and daughters in Christ.”


Eucharist and pro-abortionists

Archbishop Michael Jackels of the archdiocese of Dubuques, the US, commented on the debate on whether or not to give the Eucharist to pro-abortion politicians:

“Some people want to repair the scandal of pro-choice Catholic politicians by refusing them the Eucharist. But that’s a misguided response for two reasons: As Jesus said, it’s the sick people who need a doctor, and he gave us the Eucharist as a healing remedy; don’t deny the people who need the medicine. Also, to be consistent, to repair the scandal of Catholics being indifferent or opposed to all those other life issues, they would have to be denied Holy Communion as well. Better to put the Eucharist in the hands of such Catholics in hope that one day they would put their hands to work on behalf of life, in defence of all life.”


Pope’s prayer intention

The pope’s prayer intention for June centres on the needs of families: “We pray for Christian families around the world; may they embody and experience unconditional love and advance in holiness in their daily lives.”


(Compiled by Fr Joe Borg)

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