Heaven is our homeland

Commenting on last Sunday’s Gospel reading, Pope Francis said: “Jesus uses the familiar image of home, a place of relationships and intimacy. In the Father’s house, there is room for you, you are welcome, you will be welcomed forever by the warmth of an embrace, and I am in heaven preparing a place for you! Jesus did not separate himself from us but opened the way for us, anticipating our final destination: the encounter with God the Father. Our homeland is Heaven.”


Common ground with Islam

Addressing a high-level seminar between Catholics and Muslims, the pope said:

“You propose to highlight many common values, such as the worship of a single God, prayer, fasting, pilgrimage, compassion, sharing, care for the disadvantaged and the suffering: the orphan, the widow, the sick, the elderly, the immigrant, the refugee. We also believe that everything does not end with death, but that there is another life, eternal, where we will give account to God for our actions and we will receive recompense or punishment. Therefore, our common commitment is for a good life, that gives glory to God and joy to those we meet on our earthly pilgrimage.”


Damage to repair

Addressing members of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors on May 5, the pope said: “The sexual abuse of minors by clergy and its poor handling by Church leaders has been one of the greatest challenges for the Church in our time, …now is the time to repair the damage done to previous generations and to those who continue to suffer. Church leaders who share a sense of shame for their failure to act, have suffered a loss of credibility, and our very ability to preach the Gospel has been damaged. Do not grow discouraged when it seems that little is changing for the better. Persevere and keep moving forward!”


(Compiled by Fr Joe Borg)

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