Teachers of tenderness

Pope Francis commented on his prayer intention for July:

“We elderly people often have a special sensitivity for care, for reflection and affection. We are, or can become, teachers of tenderness. And in this world accustomed to war, we need a revolution of tenderness. Let us pray for the elderly that they may become teachers of tenderness so their experience and wisdom may help young peo­ple look to the future with hope and responsibility.”

Shift in moral teaching

Commenting on Theological Ethics of Life published by the Pontifical Academy for Life, La Croix said the book puts the Church’s traditional moral theology in second place behind other considerations. This is the case with the strong emphasis on individual conscience. The Pontifical Academy for Life says conscience is the “place of moral responsibility”, not something whose task is to apply rules as best as possible.

This is an important paradigm shift that follows directly from the pope’s conception of morality. “The law needs the conscience of Christians. Norms for action in a particular area of existence do not fall from the sky, but originate in reflection upon the experience of those who have gone before us,” the new book says.

The end of Roe

Commonweal penned a very challenging editorial on the end of Roe vs Wade. These are quotes from the editorial, which may be read in full at https://www.commonwealmagazine.org/end-roe

“Restricting access to abortion is morally irresponsible if it’s separated from fulfilling obligations to support women who are pregnant or might become preg­nant. …A society that requires women to bring pregnancies to term without addressing the burdens that can accompany motherhood demonstrates that it is possible – and all too common – to be anti-abortion without really being pro-life.”


(Compiled by Fr Joe Borg)

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