Working together

Cardinal-designate Christophe Pierre, apostolic nuncio to the US, spoke with Our Sunday Visitor about synodality, among other things:

“The point is precisely that, as the pope says, in this particular world which is divided and polarised, we need to work together. We should not reproduce the evil of society; the temptation is to be a worldly Church. On the contrary, we should be a sign of unity, but not in an artificial way. …There is an anxiety, even among the bishops, among the Church, to resolve the problem immediately. But we should not remain at the level of appearances. Unity should be at the roots of the society. And this unity will come only if we as a Church are a synodal Church and we work together.”


Experience of God by youths

Cardinal-designate Bishop Américo Aguiar, president of World Youth Day Lisbon due to be held from August 1 to 6, told ACI Digital:

“World Youth Day is an invitation to all the young people of the world to experience God. We want it to be normal for a young Catholic Christian to say and bear witness to who he is or for a young Muslim, Jew or of another religion to also have no problem saying who he is and bearing witness to it, and for a young person who has no religion to feel welcome and to perhaps not feel strange for thinking in a different way.”


Pope: ‘We are winners’

Pope Francis spoke to a group of Argentinian youth about World Youth Day. He compared the event to a very special World Cup, a friendly match “where there are no winners or losers, but we all win”.

“When we step out of ourselves and meet others,” giving what we have and being open to receive what others offer, “we are all winners and we can raise together the ‘cup of brotherhood’.

“This teaches us that with Christ’s team, the game is on until the last minute. We cannot get distracted. We must be alert and play as a team.”


(Compiled by Fr Joe Borg)

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