On a ‘penitential pilgrimage’
Andrea Tornielli, editorial director of the Dicastery for Communication, wrote in Vatican News on what the pope meant when he described his apostolic trip to Canada from July 24 to 30 as a “penitential pilgrimage”:
“The key to understanding the papal journey lies in the penitential attitude that will characterise its high points. It is the same attitude Benedict XVI suggested in 2010 in the face of the child abuse scandal; the same that St John Paul II proposed during the Jubilee of 2000 for the ‘purification of memory’, when he asked for ‘an act of courage and humility in recognising the wrongs done by those who have borne or bear the name of Christian’.”
Digital media, ethical issues
In a message to the annual world congress of the lay communications network SIGNIS in Seoul, Pope Francis, while agreeing that modern means of communication can be “a powerful means of fostering communion and dialogue”, warns they can also become “places of toxicity, hate speech and fake news”.
He added: “The use of social media has raised a number of serious ethical issues that call for wise and discerning judgement on the part of communicators, and all those concerned with authenticity and the quality of human relationships.”
US Catholic voters’ views
A survey of American Catholic voters found just 53% said they would not support a candidate who favours taxpayer-funded abortions. 74% would support candidates who would increase border security. They are also split 53% to 45% in favour of Biden. Just 33% attend mass weekly, 35% never go to confession, and only 50% believe Jesus is present in the Eucharist.
The poll was conducted by the EWTN network and Real Clear Opinion Research.
(Compiled by Fr Joe Borg)