Bishops support ‘abortion’ draft

The US bishops support Senator Lindsey Graham’s draft bill prohibiting doctors from performing abortions after 15 weeks ges­tation – when a foetus can feel pain – except in cases of rape, incest or risks to the mother’s life and physical health. The bill leaves in place state laws that are more protective of unborn life. Archbishop William Lori said: “Although we will never cease working for laws that protect human life from its beginning and supporting mothers in need, this proposed legislation is a place to begin uniting Ameri­cans regardless of their views on abortion.”


‘Man of God’

Writing in Avvenire, the Italian bishops’ official newspaper, Cardinal Fernando Filoni, prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples and an expert in Chinese affairs, described Cardinal Joseph Zen, 90, who is facing trial in Hong Kong, as “a man of God; at times intemperate, but submissive to the love of Christ. He is an authentic Chinese. No one among those I have known, can be truly as loyal as he is.”


Economy of Francesco

A seminar in Assisi has approved a declaration – signed also by Pope Francis – showing the commitment to work for the establishment of the Economy of Francesco. An extract of the declaration follows: “an economy that cares for creation and does not misuse it, an economy at the service of the human person, the family and life, respectful of every woman, man, and child, the elderly, and especially those most frail and vulnerable, an economy where care replaces rejection and indifference, an economy that leaves no one behind, in order to build a society in which the stones rejected by the dominant mentality become cornerstones, an economy that recognises and protects secure and dignified work for everyone, an economy that fights poverty in all its forms, reduces inequality.”


(Compiled by Fr Joe Borg)

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