Entrepreneurs’ unseen value

Entrepreneurs are important to create new jobs, Pope Francis said in a message read to a gathering of French business leaders. He said: “The first capital of your company is you: your heart, your conscience, your virtues, your will to live, your justice. This human, ethical and spiritual capital is worth more than economic and financial capital. There is little in the media about the difficulties and pain of entrepreneurs who close their businesses and fail through no fault of their own.”


Eucharist’s importance

Addressing the Sister Disciples of Jesus in the Eucharist on August 25, Pope Francis said: “Love, unity, and charity. What does this mean? To adore, to serve, and to repair, that is, to fill with tenderness… to fill with tenderness the wounds and voids produced by sin in man and society, beginning by kneeling before Jesus in the consecrated host and remaining there for a long time.”


Pope: who is Jesus to you?

In his Angelus address last Sunday, Pope Francis urged believers to answer the question: who is Jesus for me? “Today it will be good for us to repeat the decisive question, that comes out of his mouth: ‘Who do you’ – Jesus says to you – ‘who do you say I am?’ In other words: who is Jesus for me? An important figure, a point of reference, an unattainable model? Or is he God the Son, who walks by my side, who can lead me to the peak of holiness, that I cannot reach by myself? Is Jesus truly living in my life, does Jesus live with me? Is he my Lord? Do I entrust myself to him in moments of difficulty? Do I cultivate his presence through the Word, through the Sacraments?”


(Compiled by Fr Joe Borg)

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