Renowned Polish musicians forming the Apertus Quartet will be teaming with Polish pianist resident in Malta, Julia Miller, to bring to a Maltese audience a concert of classical music.

The concert opens with Piano Concerto in D Minor n. 20, composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, transcribed for piano and quartet. Following this, Apertus Quartet will premiere in Malta, Stanislaw Moniuszko’s String Quartet n.1 in D Minor.

The concert will end with the premiere of the four-movement piano quintet Abschiedsbriefen - Letters of Farewell, written by contemporary Maltese composer Karl Fiorini. This very rhythmic work evokes the states of mind brought by a major change in life, and the farewells that need to be said. 

The concert is part of the Project Valletta-Varsavja-Vjenna, intended to bring together three musical cultures and a better understanding of classical music.

The concert will be hosted at the Malta Society of Arts, Republic Street, Valletta, on October 29, at 7.30pm. The project is supported by the Malta Arts Council and the Embassy of the Republic of Poland. Tickets can be bought from

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