A whopping 190 aquatic exhibits are on display at Mount Carmel Hospital as part of the 45th edition of the Malta Aquatic Society’s annual show.

The show promises to attract the attention of fish enthusiasts and families alike, with a variety of aquarium set-ups and fish species.

Fish from five continents are on show, from the small guppies and tetras – which can grow to just three centimetres in size – to the tilapia, which can reach 30 centimetres.

Those who visit the show will also see a series of fish with peculiar characteristics, such as African lake cichlids, which are mouthbrooders – meaning they hold their fry in their mouths – and river catfish, which tend to swim upside down.

The fish on display will be ranked according to size and species.

There are over 40 fish categories in competition. An expert panel of judges will award the prize for best fish in each category, said the president of the Malta Aquatic Society, Jerome Attard Flores.

Heiko Bleher, the man credited with discovering many of the fish kept in household aquariums, forms part of the judging panel.

“Most of the fish we keep in our homes were named after him. He has been on many expeditions in various countries to learn about fascinating tropical fish,” the society said.

Mr Bleher is accompanied by English fish expert Pete Cocker.

The exhibition has taken place at Mount Carmel Hospital for the past five years.

Setting up the displays takes a lot of time, Mr Attard Flores said, noting the organising team starts setting up for the event a month in advance.

The show will be open until next Sunday. Opening hours are between 4 and 8pm on weekdays and between 9am and 9pm on Saturday and Sunday.

The Malta Aquatic Society’s annual show is on display at Mount Carmel Hospital until next Sunday. Photos: Jonathan Borg

The Malta Aquatic Society’s annual show is on display at Mount Carmel Hospital until next Sunday. Photos: Jonathan Borg

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