Science in the City will return later this month with a range of science-related activities presented on social media leading to seated events on  September 24 and 25.

Five venues dotted around the city, St Dominic’s Theatre, San Gorg Preca College Primary, City Theatre, The National Museum of Archeology, Spazju Kreattiv and St Magdalene Church will be a hive of activity.

"Each event will be a thought provoking one, conceived to build pride in Malta’s cultural and natural heritage, inspiring the audience to take responsibility for the world around them, engaging them with knowledge to spark critical thinking and the desire to become more active in shaping their own future," the organisers said. 

Researchers, private companies, university student associations, organisations, artists and NGOs have joined forces to stage the events. The MMSA will be highlighting the importance of embracing diversity. The University of Malta - FAST Project, will feature the aliens that have invaded the Maltese islands, plants and animals that destroy native ecosystems. The Environment & Resource Authority, in collaboration with the University of Malta, will introduce Ċlikki’s wild adventure - a butterfly just wants to reach her family. Ċlikki’s long flutter home will spotlight the difficulties wildlife is facing.

The Time Traveller’s Dilemma installation by Glen Calleja’s SolidEye will invite visitors to pass through a portal to other dimensions. Visitors will be able to have a conversation with someone from the past, even their past or future selves, looking at objects that were used daily. This year also sees the launch of the festival’s new game show, the Game of Talents. Meet the men and women who live and breathe science, Malta’s researchers, line up while participants get a shot at guessing their profession, with very little clues to go on.

Actors Jeremy Grech and Sean Briffa present ‘The Adventures of the Ammoknights: Moving Megaliths’, a creative performance/tour around Malta’s neolithic exhibits at the National Museum of Archeology.

The MSPCA presents Caged, a human tribute to the emotions of all animals trapped in small inhumane conditions.

BirdLife Malta is collaborating with the Chamber of Scientists Kids Dig Science to launch the puppet show on the Yelkouan Shearwater that inhabit Malta's cliff faces.

At Spazju Kreattiv, children will be encouraged to figure out how to safeguard the habitat that is so important to the life of these majestic birds.

Science in the City is part of the European Researchers’ Night, an EU-wide celebration. It is co-funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme.

The Science in the City consortium is led by the University of Malta and the Malta Chamber of Scientists, in partnership with the Minister for Equality, Research, and Innovation, Trust Stamp Ltd, Malta Enterprise, MCAST, Qualia Analytics, Esplora, BPC International, SEM, PBS, Spazju Kreattiv,, AquaBioTech Group, Valletta Design Cluster, Valletta Cultural Agency, The Environment Resource Agency, WasteServ, More or Less Theatre and Keen Ltd.

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