A 52-year-old Gżira man accused of drug-related crimes was granted bail on Saturday after pleading not guilty to charges.

Joseph Borg was arrested after police raided a stable on Sqaq il-Ġerrejja in Marsa earlier this week and discovered bags of synthetic cannabis ready for sale, trafficking equipment and cash.

Police arrested two men in that operation. The first, 28-year-old John Junior Pace, was arraigned on Thursday. He pleaded not guilty and was remanded in custody.

Borg’s arraignment had to wait while he underwent medical treatment.

On Saturday, he was charged with possession of a new psychoactive drug under circumstances denoting that it was not intended solely for personal use, unlawful possession of cocaine, committing alleged offences within 100 meters of a place frequented by youthsyouths as well as allegedly breaching three previous bail decrees.

He pleaded not guilty and requested bail.

While prosecutors objected, Borg’s defence lawyers argued that he had always respected bail conditions when arrested and charged in the past in cases dating back to 2017.

Borg also had a fixed address and the breach of bail that prosecutors were alleging concerned charges which had yet to be proven, they said.

After hearing submissions the court, presided over by Magistrate Astrid May Grima, upheld the request for bail. Borg must pay a €2500 deposit, sign a bail book daily and respect a 8:00pm and 8:00am curfew.

Inspectors Sarah Kathleen Zerafa and Mark Cremona prosecuted.

Lawyers Charles Mercieca and Gianluca Caruana Curran are defence counsel.

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