Masquerade’s newly formed Youth Theatre Company is to present its first production, Second Person Narrative by Jemma Kennedy.

The play follows the journey of “YOU”, starting at her birth, and ending at her death more than 80 year later.  

Kennedy’s play is an epic, ensemble story of an ordinary life, extraordinarily told.

“I believe the play really captures the essence of the Company, its modern, punchy, and relevant.” says the play’s director Petra Sant. "It is a play about selfhood and the decisions we make - or have imposed upon us, in constructing a life."

The play follows “YOU” growing up, making friends, getting jobs, forming relationships, winning awards, buying clothes, making mistakes, having a child, discovering herself, and enjoying a good laugh.

“It tackles the themes of family, work, pressures, love, friendship, and relationships. It is a story with which an audience of any age can empathise with” continues Sant.

Second Person Narrative is produced by Masquerade Malta and will feature the up-and-coming performers of Youth Theatre Masquerade on November 29 and 30 at the Blue Box Theatre, M Space, Oscar Zammit Street, Msida.

The production is suitable for audiences aged 12 and over.  

All tickets at €10 on Friday and €12 on Saturday may be purchased online through the website or in person from M Space.  Ticket Hotline: 7979 3737.


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