Painter/sculptor Noel Attard (also known as Nattardo) will deliver a presentation about his work and discuss his vision and concept on art at the 171st meeting of the Art Discussion Group tomorrow in Balzan parish.

Attard is a romantic dreamer who transforms reality as seen through the physical eye with the mind’s eye into surreal scenes of elegant and sensual beauty, full of fantasy and imagination.

Abstract Sails is typical of Attard’s painting technique and poetic flights of fantasy; it contrasts boldly with Undiscovered Thoughts, a more recent assemblage of found metal objects, possibly influenced by Duchamp; while Cascade, with its texture and flowing movement, neatly links both concepts.

Recently his thick impasto and a dry brush application technique, together with the use of gauze, gradually evolved into sculpture.

This transformation of vision and concept is the result of gradual and subtle changes until he finally ventured into public art and installations.

His most important metal work to date, It-Taraġ, which was located at Valletta’s City Gate, is presently displayed in Kalkara.

The artist also executed a dual monumental sculpture for the new project at the Millennium Chapel, Paceville, in 2018.

After tomorrow’s presentation, the artist will answer questions from the floor about approach and technique.

The meeting will be held tomorrow at 7.30pm at Balzan parish centre, 36, Idmejda Street, Balzan (next to the Good Shepherd church). For more information, visit

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