An inexplicably premature 2017 election preceded the assas­si­nation of Daphne Caruana Galizia. We do not know what effect this assassination might have had on an election result. Had such a despicable event occurred before the 2017 election, would the resolve of a number of Labour Party voters have somewhat wavered?

So many factors influence the voting intentions of discerning marginal segments of the electorates of political parties. Such segments do not habitually vote only out of tribal loyalty and occasionally do vote based on an objective assessment of candidates and their parties. Surveys indicate that a united, massive PL majority will prevail in the coming election. There is no indication that unsatisfied supporters are questioning the party’s very dubious performance over the last nine years.

The lack of visible rebellious supporters is very bad news for Malta as it indicates a blind acceptance of abysmal governance by so many relatively educated citizens.

Thanks to the courageous and relentless efforts of journalists, (Times of Malta, The Shift, etc.) and civil society, (Repubblika, Occupy Justice, Moviment Graffitti, etc.), the public cannot claim to be unaware of Malta’s massive deficit in competent and honest governance.

There is no need here to list the scandalously serious shortcomings of this PL administration. They are publicly known. It is more worthwhile to objectively assess the deep and long-term damage being caused to an exhausted island by this corruptive government.

At some point, this damage will need to be repaired. Unfortunately, internally and internationally, this repair process is unlikely to start soon.

Internationally, following its antagonism to membership, and ever since, the PL continues to this day to conduct an ambiguous relationship with the EU. On occasions, it is a very misguided interaction which focuses on the pursuit of shady advantages, like passport sales, or blatant misbehaviour through, for example, insulting pseudo adherence to bird directives.

Malta will ill survive if the PL improves on its 2017 results

There is deliberate and persistent avoidance of EU standards on fundamental values and the correct application of laws. We see no enforcement of rule of law, we see notorious corrupt transgressors enjoying impunity, we wallow in uncontrolled corruption and we taint the EU with a grey-listing qualification.

Sadly, this leads to a relatively cheapened relationship which classifies Malta as an awkward EU member. It is such a great relief that we now have a formidable politician of integrity, Roberta Metsola, as European Parliament president. She keeps alive our EU vocation and assures us that there is still EU goodwill in our regard.

Does an intelligentsia dwell within the PL? This query is justified but there is no doubt the party has its fair share of decent intellectuals. Then why are these people so silent, so passive in the face of a flood of negative events and misbehaviour, ranging from an assassination to in-your-face theft of public funds?

Perhaps the answer is to be found in two features prevalent within the PL. There is a concept of submissive unity at all costs, under whoever happens to be the boss, and there is fear of hostile repercussions for whoever threatens this unity. Whoever falls out of line is mercilessly kicked out.

It is here pertinent to point out that secret voting allows fearful and timid rebels to safely protest.

We are facing a lethal threat, an army of varied profiteers (politicians, businessmen, etc.) illicitly striking it rich from honest taxpayers’ money, combined with a systematic deterioration in the proper functioning of the country’s vital state institutions.

The opposition might need more time to restore its effectiveness while the PL requires a signal to prompt internal moderate forces to confront tainted officials and an expanding band of aspirant ‘Lorry Sants’ – a new generation of politicians ever so eager to do corrupt business with rapacious, so-called entrepreneurs.

It is very likely the PL will prevail in the coming election but the victory needs to feature a substantial reduction of the 2017 majority over the opposition.

Malta will ill survive if the PL improves on its 2017 results.

Arthur Muscat, human resources and industrial relations specialist

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