Thirty-one-year-old Renzo Borg, the businessman murdered in Xemxija on Thursday, had tens of thousands of euro in unpaid debt.

Three years ago, Mr Borg appeared in court for failing to pay back almost (€233,000) Lm100,000 to APS Bank. Of these, he owed Lm10,000 (€23,300) for the overdraft he had accumulated, and the remainder for a loan he had taken some years earlier, including the interest charged by the bank.

A year earlier, he was charged with stealing just under Lm1,500 (€3,495) in electricity from the government. Mr Borg, together with a relative of his, was using the electricity to supply The Strawberry Grove, a bar and restaurant he owned in Qawra.

However, Mr Borg's misfortunes don't stop there. Two months ago, he was ordered by the courts to pay just under €66,000 in damages to 13-year-old Carly Borg.

The girl's fingers were partly amputated after a stone flowerpot fell on her right hand while she was playing with friends on The Strawberry Groves' steps eight years ago. She consequently lost all function of her three fingers.

The restaurant was sold by auction earlier this year at a quick-sale price and as a going concern, according to Malta Property Auctioneers. It has since become a kebab house.

Mr Borg was last week found lying unconscious on the pavement in Triq il-Ħaġra il-Wieqfa by a neighbour. He had been shot twice in the back but still had a pulse. He died shortly after being rushed to Mater Dei Hospital.

An acquaintance, who asked to remain anonymous, said Mr Borg was also addicted to gambling. Cocaine was also discovered in his car and apartment.

The white Mazda was found close to where Mr Borg lay dying and its bonnet was still warm, suggesting it had not been long since it was last used. In fact, sources said the police suspect Mr Borg, who lived in Naxxar with his wife and mother-in-law, went to Xemxija to collect some money he was owed.

At this stage, the police are not ruling out anything but drug dealing and usury are featuring high on their list of possible motives.

They have spoken to a number of people in connection with the murder but are urging anyone with any information to phone them confidentially on 119 or 2122 1111.

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