The chairman and executive director of the National Commission Persons with Disability, Joe Camilleri and Alfred Bezzina respectively, intend to boycott an EU information seminar being held in Malta next week.

The seminar is about the Equal Opportunities (Persons with Disability) Act and Policy in the European Union, and is being organised by the European Disability Forum and the Malta Federation of Organisations Persons with Disability, an NGO which has applied for member status of the EDF, the umbrella organisation representing more than 37 million disabled people in Europe.

The boycott decision was taken because the national commission was not invited to speak at the seminar.

However, the EDF, in a comment to The Times, implied that this was the tip of the iceberg and that the real problem was the distrust between various organisations.

When contacted, Mr Bezzina said the commission had been invited to attend the seminar but felt they would have been able to give a valid contribution as speakers. "For example, our lawyer has vast experience in this field," he explained.

Mr Camilleri was also very disappointed. "The commission is the guardian of the discrimation law so it would have been appropriate for us to have had a more active voice. Let me make it clear that we don't want to dominate NGOs. However, it would make sense to use our expertise."

Mr Camilleri said the commission had a number of disabled speakers which in itself could also be a powerful message. "For example, our compliance officer is disabled. She could have given a first-hand point of view on discrimination."

Mr Camilleri believes strongly in the disabled speaking out for themselves to raise awareness of their point of view and of their accomplishments.

"They must have as visible a role as possible and need to be supported and encouraged - and sometimes even pushed - to do so. And their parents can speak for them when they are unable to."

He pointed out that in Europe, 80 per cent of the senior officials of NGOs working in this sector were themselves disabled with the remaining 20 per cent being parents of disabled. "The situation here is very different. For example, in the federation, only one of the nine officials is disabled."

When contacted, EDF director Stefan Tromel said the forum was surprised, and regretted, their decision not to take part. "We have good relations with the national commission and appreciate the work they do to ensure equal treatment and non-discrimination of disabled people in Malta and the commitment of their members to a human rights approach to disability. The national commission is also EDF associate member," he said.

The EDF believes that the participation of all stakeholders in the disability area is key in achieving greater rights for people with disabilities, in Malta and in Europe.

"The seminar is intended to provide a better understanding of the great relevance of European policies to disabled people in Malta but it also has the ambition to facilitate the currently difficult dialogue between different organisations in Malta. It will allow for all viewpoints to be voiced," he said.

"Therefore, all participants will have the possibility to speak. We would of course appreciate an address from a representative of the national commission.

"In addition, right after the seminar EDF has organised a meeting to which the national commission, together with all main organisations working in the area of disability, have been invited. The purpose of this meeting is to foster cooperation between the different organisations and to explore the best way forward for the establishment of a strong, inclusive and united organisation in which all Maltese with disabilities and their families feel represented."

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