The recent reports in the media that yet another 19 minors face the possibility of ‘eviction’ from Malta is disquieting.

I do understand the intricate legalities that form the basis of immigration law, which strives to achieve a balance between national security and the fair and just treatment of all people from various nationalities entering and possibly working in Malta.

Balancing such complex interests requires an in-depth legal understanding as well as a mind and a heart for public policy, which has been a hallmark of the sterling work being carried out by civil servants in this field.

However, the issue at hand is made more heart wrenching given that the people involved are minors and have therefore an added vulnerability.

From where I stand, making children endure such a trauma goes diametrically against meeting the children’s basic needs as delineated in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the principle at the heart of all Maltese welfare that the interest of the child is put ahead of other considerations because of the value and importance we give to families.

The trauma that such children must be suffering because of these circumstances might well be irreversible; stability, structure and permanence are fundamental ingredients in the well-being of children.

It is truly a cynical state that would use the hard work of these migrants without allowing them the basic right to a family

No known assessment has been carried out on the countries of return and the situation that the children will find themselves in if they returned to their towns and villages of origin. This could lead to children being sent to worse conditions with potentially abusive situations that would be artificially created by a very mechanic reading of the law.

This situation verges on discrimination and unfairness because we know well enough that a significant number of parents/guardians of (Maltese) children do not make the salary benchmark being imposed on these children and their families.

It is not right that we seek migrant workers to occupy the lower paid positions to ensure our thriving economy but then deprive them of the right to establish their lives and their families in Malta.

Let’s face it, the economic miracle we are living would not be possible were it not for the hard and underappreciated work that third country nationals have carried out in the sectors of construction, hospitality, agriculture and health, to name but a few.

It is truly a cynical state that would use the hard work of these migrants without allowing them the basic right to a family as enshrined in Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

We must heal from the malaise of measuring social yardsticks solely by economic measures. Social and familial well-being do not depend only on financial prowess.

As the UN convention clearly states, the voice of the children is imperative in this matter and, short of that, we are missing one of the most fundamental principles, that is, listening to what the children have to say about this matter.

I can identify over 20 articles in the convention that indicate a breach of some sort in this matter but one article that stands out is Article 9, which emphasises that families should remain together.  Hence, assuming parents are in Malta legally and/or as a result of a humanitarian decision, this  should entail that children are never to be separated from their parents.

I appeal to all concerned to find a permanent humane solution that balances out the various needs in a just and wise manner. We cannot and must not accept that because laws have been written in one way, they do not require a revisit.

Our laws are required to reflect our principles and our values and when they do not we should change them, not vice versa. We need to guarantee the necessary due diligence before families are accepted to reside here but also to safeguard the rights of children once they are inhabiting this country.

We cannot remain unresponsive to such an unjust situation that these minors are facing.  Children should be busy playing, studying, exploring the world, making new friends and not fearing the brunt of eviction.

Andrew Azzopardi is dean, Faculty for Social Wellbeing, University of Malta.

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