Starlites Naxxar raised the 2023 Under-23 women’s league trophy after beating Hibernians in two straight games in the championship series.

One can easily say that the first game in the same series had a large bearing on the outcome of the championship as the initial rubber on the series had to be decided right at the end of the first overtime period with a buzzer-beater that swayed the win off Hibs’ hands and placed Naxxar on a psychological high ahead of game two.

Although Starlites’ leading player Mikela Riolo (double-double with 32 points at 42% and 15 rebounds, four assists, eight steals) and young prospect Mariah Fenech (11 rebounds, team-high nine assists, and nine steals) had given their side an early lead, Hibs showed a lot of composure and then enjoyed the lead for over 35 minutes in the first game.

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